Thursday, January 19, 2006


An Australian researcher named Marc Cohen who is the founding professor of Complementary Medicine at the Melbourne University says that “If you are doing an activity that you love to do, whether it’s making paper aero planes or gardening or looking into the eyes of your lover, you get moments when time seems to stop, or it seems like five minutes is really an hour?”

And there’s research to prove his claims. A study of 1000 Israeli men with a heart condition found that those men who felt they were loved by their wives had a 50% reduction in their Angina and Cardiac diseases.

And our friends live longer with love too. A U.S study conducted on rabbits on high cholesterol diets were perplexed to find that one group lived about 60% longer than the other on the same food. The difference??? The longer living rabbits were fed by an assistant who cuddled and talked to them!!!

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