Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Five of the scariest spaces from the sinister skull of author Jeff Belanger, “The World’s Most Haunted Places”.

The Tower of London:
The beef eaters live there with their families, and all have had experiences with ghosts. One beef eater saw a teddy bear float up in the air.

The Catacombs (Paris):
It’s humbling to see endless skulls and bones for 1.6 km (300 km are off-limits). You get a sense of living history. But you also find yourself looking behind you now and then.Picture shown here.

The White House:
Abraham Lincoln’s son died of typhoid-like disease in the White House and Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd, supposedly claimed he visited her repeatedly. Years later staff said the ghost of a boy walked the grounds.

The Deane House (Calgary, Canada):
There are stories of suicides when it was a seedy boarding house. A ghost of a man has appeared in the basement. The piano plays on its own upstairs. They hear footsteps all the time.

The Old Angel Inn (Niagara-on-the-Lake):
It’s haunted by a solider who was killed there by the Americans during the War of 1812. They claim that as long as the Union Jack flies over the front door, and no American beer is served he’s at peace.

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